done with all sedih2 things.. now continue with sakit2 hati things pulak.. ;)
exam lg 4 days.. so let's start counting days.. nk BALIK.. yayy! haha exam belakang cte.. skng excited nk balik umah je.. really miss my ibu, abah, yana, anis sume la.. :)
and result exam sem 2 pun da selamat dicheck.. hehe thanks ALLAH sbb this time xde nk repeat2.. tu pun da sgt2 bersyukur.. but kind of sad sikit la sbb pointer mcm x brape okay kn.. da dua sem pun mcm tu jugak la pointer.. but positive! bkn end of world kn kalau result teruk.. chill la.. :))))
ouh! one thing.. especially and specially dedicated to my friends yg aku pun xtau sape.. xpyh la nk bercrte pasal aku kt org laen okay! even bnde kecik2 skali pun.. ape aku buat tu aku pnye privacy.. so jge your own things sudh la.. jgn nk bercrte x tntu pasal.. and memburukkn lg relationship yg mang da teruk tahap longkang tu ye..
p/s: haha i'm soo damn happy.. happy2 sgt.. sgt2 happy.. :)