ekekeke mood:: duka dalam gembira :)
alhamdulillah.. dah abes lg satu paper.. punya la nervous takut cuak nk jawab paper td sampai kn malam td langsung x boleh tdo.. asal nk lelap je teringat electrical tech.. asal pejam mata je terbayang electrical tech.. so demm scary..hehehe
walaupun kind of kecewa sedikit.. but aku dah try my best.. and really bersyukur sebab nothing bad happen contoh mcm suddenly blank ke.. al maklum la semalaman x boleh tdo kn.. just lupalupa facts tu mang tak boleh nk buat apa la kn..
so.. i have 1 more paper to go.. process unit operations.. wish me luck. :)
happy saturday.. bye. :)