tonight rasa mcm nk menaip meluahkn ape yg terbuku tersekat kt dalam hati ni..
what you give is what you will get back.. so x salah kalau nk buat baik kt orang.. but if you think you want to buat jahat kt orang.. better think it twice..
what people had done to me.. aku xnk cte.. aku maafkan.. walaupun really hard for me to forget it.. frankly speaking.. even until now.. i still crying bila teringat what people did to me.. but past is past.. whatever happen.. ada hikmah.. and aku redha.. and now im really happy because i've find someone better than him..
aku x penah doakan buruk2 utk orang yg buat jahat kt aku.. but aku tau.. Tuhan adil.. one day.. mesti Dia akan bagi balasan.. it just the matter of time.. so pikir2 la dulu bila nk buat jahat.. berpada2 la kalau nk maenkan orang sekalipun..
itu nasihat aku.. so pikir2knlah.. bye!