ding dong deng
In My Heart
hey.. thanks for JENGUK jenguk SINGGAH singgah BACA baca & FOLLOW follow my blog yang messy ni. :)
sorry la for the language yang kadang kadang tu tak berape nk proper sgt kn.. but i'll keep using that language. thank you. :)
this blog is officially MINE! i write WHATEVER i want to write. dengg! ;)
so, no HARD feeling. no HEART feeling okay. chill. love ya.. ;p
so much, too much
Saturday, November 23, 2013
when you are hoping so much for something. if you didn't get it. you will get hurt. so much.
when you love someone too much. and one day you got dumped. you will be hurt as much as you love them.
am i hurt now ? i hope i'm not.
done reading?thanks singgah.. enjoy! :)
Saturday, November 23, 2013
when you work hard for you to get what you want. you will appreciate it more.
nothing easy about you. that's what me appreciate you more when you are with me.
i love you. i miss you.
done reading?thanks singgah.. enjoy! :)